Published on June 28, 2019 | Last Updated on December 1, 2021
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Pepto Bismol . The opinions and text are all mine.
Thank you Pepto Bismol for partnering with me on this post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Use as directed. Keep out of reach of children.
Summertime is filled with fun vacations and total change of routine. We were in Mexico earlier this month with friends and are heading to Colorado with family on Sunday. I can’t wait to escape the heat for the week! As much as I love to travel and make memories with my favorite people, the different food and routine can really mess with my stomach.
Pepto Bismol’s LiquiCaps have been a lifesaver while traveling. The capsules are super convenient but have the same results as the liquid! While we were in Mexico, I’d keep a couple in my purse and beach bag just in case. I never have stomach upset at home but we seem to eat bigger meals and more rich foods on trips which always causes indigestion. If I feel it coming on, I’ll take Pepto Bismol so I can get back to having fun or relaxing – fast.
I just started packing my bag for Colorado and I made sure I had enough LiquiCaps for the week. We have a family joke about “alti-tooties” because it typically takes our stomachs a few days to adjust to the high altitude. Ha! I want to make sure I’m prepared regardless! Pepto Bismol can be used to provide relief of different symptoms, including nausea, heartburn, indigestion, and upset stomach, due to overindulgence in food and drink.
If you’re heading somewhere fun this summer, be sure to stock up on Pepto Bismol LiquiCaps before you go. There’s nothing worse than feeling “upset” when you should be making memories with friends and family.
Tips for Avoiding a Grumpy Gut When Traveling
Eat plenty of fiber – Fruits and vegetables are easy to digest.
Avoid greasy, fried foods – Foods that take a long time to digest can upset your stomach when you travel. Some favorite fast-food meals may not sit so well while on the road.
Eat smaller, more frequent meals – Your body will be more comfortable if it does not have to digest a large amount of food at one time.
Eat foods high in probiotics – If traveling to a foreign country, pay attention to food labeling and don’t eat anything that doesn’t have an ingredient list. There are many healthful choices available for picky bunnies who want or need raw veggies, fruit, baggies of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.
Avoid dairy products – If you are feeling queasy or have gas, try omitting milk and other dairy products for a little while to see if your symptoms improve. There are many wonderful alternatives to dairy available at most grocery stores nowadays. Try almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, or hemp milk to see which you like best. If your system isn’t used to these types of milk, start with a small amount and work up slowly. Once your digestive system is back to normal you can try adding dairy products again if you miss them.
Drink lots of water – Staying hydrated will help with digestion and that queasy/bloated feeling.
Avoid caffeinated beverages – This includes coffee, tea, and many sodas. Caffeine is a natural diuretic that can cause dehydration. Try decaf if you need some hot beverage to sip on throughout the day or stick to caffeine-free iced tea if iced beverages are available.
Avoid alcohol – Although most adults like to relax at the end of a long day by relaxing with a nice glass of wine, beer, or scotch, doing so could make your belly feel worse. Alcohol is dehydrating and will not mix well with an upset stomach.
Wash your hands – Always keep hand sanitizer and wipes on you, especially when traveling to a foreign country.
Do your best to stay active – This will help with constipation and overall digestive health. Look for opportunities to get out of the hotel for a brisk walk or an opportunity to do some sightseeing.
Take care of yourself – Do your best to get enough sleep and avoid stress.