Create Your Own Backyard Trick or Treating Village
Cake & Confetti
Piper started talking about trick or treating months ago and while it won’t look the same this year, I still want to make it special for her!
We decided to have a few friends over and created socially-distant trick or treating on RainBOO Road!
I know everyone has mixed feelings about how to celebrate this year. I’m obviously not a medical professional, and if you’re considered high risk for COVID, I wouldn’t recommend this project or hosting.
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But we decided as a family to keep exposure down but not isolate ourselves. I always feel more comfortable with a small group of friends outside, so that’s what we’re doing for Halloween.
I wanted to give Piper and her friends the experience of trick or treating but eliminate strangers’ exposure.
How To Make Your Own Backyard Trick or Treating Village
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The blank cardboard houses are from Zulily and unfortunately, they’re no longer available. But I found a few other options below on Amazon!
You could also use an existing playhouse or make your own out of the amazon boxes you have laying around!
* Craft Paint and brushes* Hot Glue Gun* Paper cups for lights* White Post-it notes for windows
House Supplies
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